those of you that know Bobby Gill, no introduction
is necessary.
those of you that don't - Bobby has been
on the property scene for 10 years.
He has always had his ear to the ground
and been ready to help those with less experience.
If you're familiar with Parmdeep Vadesha's
Tycoon Forum, he was a big contributor there.
He has covered (and has personal experience)
in renting, auctions, letting and estate
agents, HMO's, student lets, Banking, Solicitors,
Bank Receivers to name a few areas of property.
likes to learn about and get immersed in
various subjects and has more recently been
involved in social media, wealth creation
and personal development events.
doesn't claim to be an expert or guru but
does have a lot of knowledge in various
areas. He's also not afraid to voice his
opinion or speak the truth - so whether
people agree with him or not, you can be
sure he will say it as it is.
Bobby Gill will be writing for MPPT to provide
you with an alternative viewpoint on what
you hear at all the seminars.